Capoeira Brazil North Hollywood Batizado 2010

I've been thinking how not to sound arrogant so my first instinct was to remain silent. But by remaining silent I felt I was being arrogant about being promoted to a full yellow cord. By the way, for those who don't know about Capoeira - unlike other martial arts we use cords and not belts.
During our Batizado, I sat there waiting to be called for my raw/yellow cord and was never called my thought was, "I guess I'll have to work harder to get my raw/yellow cord next year."
Then the irony that dawned on my after that thought was, "SHIT! If I do get the the full yellow cord I still have to have work harder."
I guess what I'm trying to say is despite the color of my cord I'll always feel like I have to work harder to keep up with those that seem to make Capoeira look easy. I'm proud to be a full yellow cord but I can't tell you how humbled I feel in every training session - so regardless of the cord you see on me know that it's always gonna be a humbling workout.
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