Location: Rowland Heights, California, United States

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Deploying Mere Mortals.NET Web Sites...

When working with Mere Mortals.NET Framework you have to pay special attention at how you reference your assemblies.

By installing the Mere Mortals Framework you are installing all the assemblies into the Global Asembly Cache (GAC). Therefore, when using Visual Studio.NET Copy Utility it's gonna assume that you would like to use the GAC'ed assemblies on the target server. Visual Studio.NET trying to be overly helpful doesn't copy the MM.NET assemblies.

If you don't plan to install the Mere Mortals Framework on your production server or your using a hosting company that probably won't let you install any third party components you may need to toggle a property on your reference.

The way to do so is to right-click on the MM.NET Reference and choose properties, change "Copy Local=True". This will tell Visual Studio.NET that you want to copy the assembly to the target server locally.


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