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Location: Rowland Heights, California, United States

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Capoeira Brazil North Hollywood Batizado 2010

I've been thinking how not to sound arrogant so my first instinct was to remain silent. But by remaining silent I felt I was being arrogant about being promoted to a full yellow cord. By the way, for those who don't know about Capoeira - unlike other martial arts we use cords and not belts.

During our Batizado, I sat there waiting to be called for my raw/yellow cord and was never called my thought was, "I guess I'll have to work harder to get my raw/yellow cord next year."

Then the irony that dawned on my after that thought was, "SHIT! If I do get the the full yellow cord I still have to have work harder."

I guess what I'm trying to say is despite the color of my cord I'll always feel like I have to work harder to keep up with those that seem to make Capoeira look easy. I'm proud to be a full yellow cord but I can't tell you how humbled I feel in every training session - so regardless of the cord you see on me know that it's always gonna be a humbling workout.