Evaluating Quartz.Net Part 1
So I'm starting to evaluate Quartz.Net - it's been a rough start. I'm hoping that after getting passed these glitches it'll be a promising open source utility. I have to admit, though - if the solution can't compile from the get go I'm sure there will be bigger problems as I move along in the evaluation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I downloaded the latest from SourceForge to find that the solution can't load the two main projects. Here's the error I got:
Unable to read the project file 'Quartz.2010.csproj'.
The imported project "C:\src-tfs\bpeikes\ITFramework\Main\Source\3rd Party\Quartz.NET-2.1.2\.nuget\nuget.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
After some Google searching I ran across this post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/quartznet/-bcQ0rTwySM/B-s8P4rnuSwJ
Which in turn contained a link to the master files on SourceForge: https://github.com/quartznet/quartznet/archive/master.zip
I downloaded the master.zip but still couldn't compile... :-\
The error requested that I enable automatic download of the missing NuGet packages. From my Tools menu I selected Options. Under Package Manager there an option for allowing NuGet to download missing packages during build.
Once I selected that option I was able to successfully build.
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