Location: Rowland Heights, California, United States

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

VSS Over VPN Connections...

For those using Visual Source Safe over a VPN Connection or thinking about using a VPN Connection here are some tweaks you can do on your VSS Database to make the VPN Experience more enjoyable.

For starters, set the temp and data paths to point to the local drives on the user. You have to be cautious when using these settings. Everyone has to agree on a directory structure otherwise VSS won't work correctly.

Also, set VSS so that it doesn't list the files automatically when accessing VSS - you have to know what you're going after or double click on the folder in VSS if you want to see what's in it.
These settings can be found in the srcsafe.ini file located in the installation folder. Be aware that whatever settings you make here will cascade to all users in VSS - this may not be the behavior you want. If so, modifiy each user's ss.ini file independantly located under the VSS Install Folder\users\{username}\ss.ini - I can't caution you enough when modifying these files. Make backups, double backups and triple backups. If VSS doesn't like what it sees it won't function correctly.

The settings you want to modify are:
data = {some local folder on your desktop}
temp = {some local folder on your desktop}
CP_OnSelection = {yes/no}

Other stuff we do is archive on a regular basis to try to keep our VSS Database under 1GB as well as run integrity checks every week. This will keep your VSS Database healthy and you can catch issue early before they cause any major problems, slow downs or the most feared event a developer can experience while living on planet Earth: Data Loss!!! :)

The machine doesn't have to be an extremely fast machine but what does help is a lot of memory (about 512MB or so), a fast hard drive(s) (preferably 7200RPM SCSI Drives with a fast seek and a lot of buffer) and plenty of work space on the drive (especially when performing maintenance). Maintenance should always be performed locally on the VSS Machine to avoid network traffic and performance issues while doing maintenance on the database.
Most of this information I got from this place call the Internet - it's very cool!!! :)

Here are some links:

VSS Preferrence
VSS Tips and Tricks


Blogger Robbie Coleman said...

Great info Vic!

btw thanks for adding the be aware clause to modifying the srcsafe.ini file. This can make users go nuts.

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